Monday, March 14, 2022

Creating a Global Resume

Judul              : Membuat  Resume Mendunia
Resume ke      : 25
Gelombang     : 23 &24
Tanggal          : 14  Maret 2022
Narasumber   : Phia Selfiarti, S.S., Cert TEFL., M.Pd
Moderator     :  Muliadi

Creating a Global Resume

The theme of PBM  25th meeting is Creating a Global Resume. the Keynote speaker is Miss Phia Selfiarti S.S, Cert TEFL, M.Pd, who is  familiar  called Ms Phia by our Moderator  Bapak Muliadi. Let's check Ms Phia  Blog in order to know more about her at  

What is Resume ?

In English, resume is defined as a document used by someone to provide information about background, abilities/ skills and achievements or what we know as Curriculum Vitae

In Indonesian according to the KBBI is an overview / summary.

In the BM class with PGRI and Om Jay, the resume is identical to the report / summary of the results of learning to write written on the media blog.

How to create a Global Resume?

When writing on a BLOG and then publishing the article, automatically everyone who has access will read it, both national and international readers. Of course, if you want your writing to be known and understood or appreciated by international readers, then one of the requirements is to write in English known as Lingua Franca or the language commonly spoken by the majority of the world's population.

Easy steps in creating a Global Resume :

    1. Write in your own language 
    2. Learn to translate yourself. 
    3. (If stuck) Ask for expert help to translate. 
    4. Build an International Network. 
    5. Don't be shy about exploring our language skills.

Creating a global resume, automatically the writer will have some benefits :

 1. Practice English Skills
 2. Expand the scope of the blog so that it can attract more visitors
 3. Add insight about the blog
 4. Establish a wider association and make new friends

Keep go on writing on your blog  and  Practice  your English Skill 

Every time you post something online, you have a choice. You can either make it something that adds to the happiness levels in the world—or you can make it something that takes away. ~Zoe Sugg


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